ePadlink VP9805 ePad Ink Signature Pad - VP9805

ePad Ink is ePadlink's most widely-deployed electronic signature capture device. Currently, over 75,000 users worldwide use ePad-ink to capture their customers' electronic signatures, whether the signing takes place in-branch or in-field.
With an LCD screen that lights up when an esignature is applied or affirmation text displayed, the interactive visual feedback provides an enhanced user experience. Ergonomic, portable, and bundled with IntegriSign Desktop for esigning Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat documents, ePad-ink is a best-in-class esignature solution for any environment.
- LCD Screen
- Displays affirmation text for greater signing context
- Assigns a unique serial ID number to the host computer
- Bundled with IntegriSign Desktop Software; upgradeable to IntegriSign Pro
- Offers plug-ins for Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat
- Produces legally-binding esignatures
- Powered by USB port
Further Information
ePad Ink Brochure |